Creating Icons
This small tutorial will go over the process on how the icons for the
cursor were created which allowed for transparent effects. In this
example, I used Photoshop 6.0. Previous and later versions of Photoshop
may, or may not, be different, depending on the version.
- Open up Photoshop.
- Create a new image, with 128 x 128 pixel dimensions.
- Draw the icon image.
- Using either the Lasso Tool or the Eliptical/Rectangular
Marquee tool, select your icon. Do not select the entire picture, or
the white background will not become transparent. For odd shaped
items (like a hand), use the Magic Wand and click on your object. It
tries to select similar colors to it. So it might take several
clicks to get all of the icon selected.
Another great way to select an odd shaped object, which is laying on a
constant-colored background is to shift-click with the Magic Wand tool
around the object until everything except the object is selected. Then go
to Select -> Invert.
- Go to Select -> Save Selection. Name this selection Alpha.
- Go back to Select -> Load Selection. Channel should say Alpha.
- Go to File -> Save As, and save the image as a Targa (TGA)
image. Targa allows for transparency effects. Also, this should be
saved as 32 bit, or else PIGE will not load in the images.
Here are a few links for Photoshop tips on creating textures such as stone
and wood.
Another icon and image creation reference is at
Page created: 1. April 2002
Last modified: 12. March 2003