33 RPM :: Version History
33 RPM 1.1.8 (9 December 2012)
- 33 RPM is now available as a free product.
- Tested and verified for OS X Lion and Mountain Lion.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
33 RPM 1.1.7 (30 September 2010)
- 33 RPM dynamically registers itself as an available application to be able to play any applicable audio or video files.
- Minor user experience improvements.
- Reverted back to an older version of the Sparkle framework.
33 RPM 1.1.6 (14 March 2010)
- Save recent URLs in the Open URL window.
- Fixed an issue in Snow Leopard where 33 RPM would crash on launch.
- Fixed an issue where the Keyboard Shortcuts menu would not always work properly.
- Added the Acknowledgements window.
- Updated Sparkle framework.
33 RPM 1.1.5 (7 February 2010)
- Fixed a rare issue where a movie's audio would continue running even after another file was loaded.
- Improved registration process.
- The Show In Finder menu is disabled when URLs are played.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
33 RPM 1.1.4 (29 October 2009)
- Adds compatibility with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
- Slider controls can now be adjusted by using the mouse's scrollwheel.
- Other minor corrections and improvements.
33 RPM 1.1.4 β (31 August 2009)
- Adds compatibility with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
- Slider controls can now be adjusted by using the mouse's scrollwheel.
33 RPM 1.1.3 (31 May 2009)
- Added the Open Recent File item to the welcome screen.
- Made graphical interface enhancements to the Controls panel.
Version 1.1.2 (22 March 2009)
- Clicking on the time display cycles through three different states: Time Elapsed, Time Remaining, and Time Elapsed / Total Time.
- Open Web Internet Locations (webloc, inetloc, url) by dragging onto the 33 RPM icon.
- Corrected a case where the main window's position was out of place when the program started.
- Fixed crashes when invalid URLs where loaded.
Version 1.1.1 (6 January 2009)
- Fixed several issues related to resizing movies so no unnecessary black bands will show along the edges of the movie.
- Added a document icon to the toolbar. Tip: Command+click the icon to reveal the file's path on your computer.
Version 1.1.0 (26 October 2008)
- Added video playback.
- Open files via a URL.
- Added support for the media keys on Apple keyboards.
- Added Apple Remote support.
- Added additional methods to reset controls.
- Minor adjustments of Volume, Speed, and Pitch can be set by holding down the Option key.
- Hot key shortcuts now work while the info or control panels are active.
- New and modified keyboard shortcuts for viewing movies, changing speed, and resetting controls.
Version 1.0.3 (26 July 2008)
- Corrected an issue on PowerPC Macs where resetting the General Controls would set the Speed display to 0% instead of 100%.
- Protected AAC files display the format information correctly in the Info Panel.
Version 1.0.2 (24 June 2008)
- Added new shortcuts to raise or lower the pitch by one cent (1200 cents = 1 octave).
- Corrected the crashes related to the Preference window.
- Displays artist and album information for non-MP3 audio files.
Version 1.0.1 (26 May 2008)
- Added reset buttons for the controls.
- Longer MP3s report the correct duration of the song.
- Buttons and menus properly display whether the Info and Controls panels are visible or hidden.
- Volume icons better indicate when a song is muted.
Version 1.0.0 (22 April 2008)
- Initial version of 33 RPM released.