History / Milestones
- 11 December 2010: Permanent Eraser 2.5 is released.
- 12 June 2010: First Edenwaith iPhone application, EdenList 1.0 for iPhone, is released.
- 22 September 2009: After numerous starts and stops, Permanent Eraser 2.4.0 is released.
- 28 February 2009: GUI Tar 1.2.0 is released, which finally includes support for zip compression.
- 22 April 2008: After nearly three years of development, the initial version of 33 RPM is born.
- 31 March 2007: Following a run of updates, Permanent Eraser 2.3 is released, which features CD-RW/DVD-RW erasing.
- 30 November 2006: After a much-too-long wait, GUI Tar 1.1 arrives.
- 22 September 2006: Permanent Eraser has an important upgrade to version 2.2.
- 29 June 2006: Another application in dormancy woke up - EdenList - was updated as a Universal Binary and supported multi-document capabilities.
- 25 February 2006: Untar 1.3.1 becomes the first Edenwaith application available as a Universal Binary.
- Permanent Eraser 2 sees several updates to make it an even more useful utility.
- 4 September 2005: After a long absence, Journeyman FTP was updated.
- 10 March 2005: Untar 1.3 is released with a slew of new features.
- 21. April 2004 : Permanent Eraser's capabilities come to full fruition with version 2.0.
- 20. March 2004 : GUI Tar 1.0.0 was released, combining the power of Untar with the compression and archiving capabilities of tar, gzip, and bzip2.
- On 31. August 2003, the final version of EdenGraph 1.0, a new graphing calculator for Mac OS X, was finally released after over a year and a half of development.
- On 26. May 2003, the first beta version of EdenGraph, a new graphing calculator for Mac OS X, was finally released after nearly a year of development.
- September 2002 gave birth to Untar, a graphical tar wrapper for Mac OS X. This is the premature child to GUI Tar, which is able to compress and uncompress files.
- In May 2002, Edenwaith's first major project, EdenMath, was released.
- The idea of Edenwaith was conceived many years prior, but on 13. February 2001, Edenwaith was born. Edenwaith's first offering was of the text-based game Psychomancer, and then Javascript FTP soon followed.